Thursday, November 15, 2012

Finding Out About Sharon Van Etten.

This is a good way to discover music.

Bare with me on this story by the way... here I go anyway...

I was asleep and dreaming this morning, not long before I normally get up. In my dream all I remember was a man dressed warmly, surrounded by snow that had a line of tyre tracks running through it. The man pointed to the tyre tracks and said,

"Get the Etten."

I woke up and the first thing that came into my mind was,

'Holy crap, my dreams are trying to tell me something. Write that damn word down and research it. NOW!.'

I don't know why I thought this but I decided to go along with this unconscious urge by researching the word 'Etten'.

Here is what I found,

  • Etten is a town in the Netherlands.
  • There is a place called Etten- Leur that is famous for peat (?)
  • Some place in Middle- Earth with the letters E.T.T.E and N in it.
... And a singer called Sharon Van Etten. 

Researched her for a bit and liked the sound. 

Wikipedia said this,

"Her songs are heartfelt without being overly earnest; her poetry is plainspoken but not overt, and her elegant voice is wrapped in enough rasp and sorrow to keep from sounding too pure or confident."

Sounds good to me. 

The first song I heard was 'Serpents' and thought it was amazing. I've been listening to her for ages now. 

Thanks for the recommendation snow pointing man in my dream... recommend some Trip- hop, Metal and a bit of folk as well next time. 

Over and Out.

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