Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Uncountable Selves.

"Nothing was, nothing will be; everything is, everything has being and presence."

This may not make sense.

You have no doubt read or are going to read the title of this blog post. Let me explain my internal dialogue reader... and I may involve you in this (yes... you) if you read on...

...but first forgive my initial self- contemplation.

Might I be so bold to say that I genuinely like people (90% of the time). I'm not the "I don't like people" person  and I never have been, regardless of mortal imperfections that are a part of our condition (and if you don't happen to like people that is fine, if that is your nature). For me, people are fascinating constructs of flesh, bone, thought, ideas... as many people say, every person is a complex world. Well, if that is the case then I want to explore all of these varied and fascinating worlds that float through my senses every day if the opportunity arises. We live in a universe of not only fellow worlds. I can go so far as saying all people are universes, multi- verses... or even omni- verses, completely endless and eternally renewable as long as we exist as people. We are complex creatures... monkeys with wings if you want to put it that way.

I have also always been what some may term a drifter. Unlike some people, I enjoy the company of people that are different to me as well as people I am similar to and so I can easily drift between social groups at will. I suppose you get the comfort that comes with hanging around people that are like you which is great I suppose... but talking to someone different to you is a joy because it enlightens you, challenges your views about the world and opens your eyes to many things also... and makes you a better person. Why should I shorten possible life experiences just because I might want to stay with people that are like me? Different people are one of the keys to a well rounded life. As Al Pacino said so perfectly on the silver screen as Keanu Reeves watches on,

"I'm a fan of man!"

One of the ways I make sense of people and explore the brains and minds of others is through reading books, knowing and exploring characters, scenes and situations in novels mostly for enjoyment and enlightenment but also so that it may help me to understand people in the world I see. It is no surprise that a lot of Freud's ideas about the human mind came from literature... and why not, stories are more than stories... they tell the psychological tale of the person, people or society and the inner impulses of the people who wrote them... plus more.

I'm getting to the point now... I think.

It only occurred to me recently that I seem to like being an observer. It's seems that I am the type of person that is a part of everything and part of nothing... and I don't know why but it always seems to have been this way (perhaps it is the same for other people as well). The question seems to crop up... where do I fit in? The answer that comes to me every time is... everywhere. Call me a townie, a rocker, a folkie, a hippy, a nerd, a dreamer, a writer, a skeptic  an idealist, whatever else... I am all of these things and others.

When it comes down to it I AM MORE THAN ONE PERSON AND MORE... AND SO ARE YOU.
I am the person I am and the person I want to be. I am Ed the son and brother, Ed the mate, Ed the vague person you know from that social gathering a few days ago... so even then I am more than the people I am, I am also the many people that others think I am. I am hundreds of people. And on top of that we are constantly reborn in a state of mental evolution. We are not the person we were a few years ago.

We are a microcosm as complex and real as the macrocosm.

We fit in everywhere and no where because we are endlessly complex creatures.

Hope this was an enjoyable, informal read.

Over and Out.

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