Monday, August 13, 2012

The Benefactor.

I wrote the poem below a while back so I thought I would post it on my blog. Also remember kids that reading books is beautiful.

They say a bird can fly
for years over London
How shall I replace and repay
for your tool that creaked open my shackles
And the food that made you my son?

I cared like a leaf, my fate on judgement day
And when the burdens returned and I went away
I would shape my thoughts for your ascent
to be a goat for you
knowing that I was in a land of sheep.

I worked so you were heavy and I was light
And I, knowing the moment lingered
Came to London to show that
I was the one with the veil,
but unlike hers
Mine was with fatherly ambitions
Although I was the prodigal son.

Written by Ed Astill. (Inspired by Great Expectations by Charles Dickens.)

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