Monday, August 13, 2012

The Benefactor.

I wrote the poem below a while back so I thought I would post it on my blog. Also remember kids that reading books is beautiful.

They say a bird can fly
for years over London
How shall I replace and repay
for your tool that creaked open my shackles
And the food that made you my son?

I cared like a leaf, my fate on judgement day
And when the burdens returned and I went away
I would shape my thoughts for your ascent
to be a goat for you
knowing that I was in a land of sheep.

I worked so you were heavy and I was light
And I, knowing the moment lingered
Came to London to show that
I was the one with the veil,
but unlike hers
Mine was with fatherly ambitions
Although I was the prodigal son.

Written by Ed Astill. (Inspired by Great Expectations by Charles Dickens.)

Monday, August 6, 2012

The Crumpet And Being Reminded That I Used To Eat Stones.

Last Friday I had gone to my Nan's house in order to help in the cutting of her lawn. Afterwards I was walking in her village on the way to a cafe when we (Mum/ Mother and Nan/ Nannie) were stopped by a woman that knew us but I hadn't apparently seen since childhood. One of the first things she said was,

"You've grown a lot since last I saw you. I remember when you used to eat stones."

That is what I used to do as a kid... eat stones. I suppose the reason for this is because little kids are meant to explore with their mouths... except I explored with swallowing and attempted digestion.

But I digress sir or madam...

About two weeks ago I was sat with my beloved band brainstorming. It had been decided that we needed a name for a band that wasn't The Garden Party so we got some crayons (yes... crayons) and paper and literally brainstormed. This is how we got our current name of "Common Names".

P1: We don't want a band name with 'The' at the beginning.

P2: Yeah we don't want to think of any common names.

P3: What about calling ourselves Common Names?

In Unison: That sounds alright.

It was with this new self- made- name- information that we set off to the Crumpet for an Open Mic Night and played three songs. The Crumpet is the pub opposite guitarist in band and friend Munchy's house... it's real name is the Horse and Trumpet but we call it the Crumpet... because...

I have also now read Great Expectations, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and the Inferno part of the Divine Comedy.

Happy short blog post.

Over and Out.