Tuesday, September 14, 2010

TwistyFest in Wales!!!

At the moment I am sitting on my bed with a cup of tea, with an unbelievable urge to impose my life experiences on people...not that I'm forcing people to read this at all. Lose all blah all ye who enter here.

Last Saturday my Mum, Dad and brother travelled to Wales to the location of the brother of me mother (I made that last bit sound like a rhyme on purpose.) This place is in the middle of the countryside, surrounded by mountains that go up one thousand feet into the sky. A few years ago we travelled to the top of one of these mountains and when we were at the top some sort of jet flew past just a few metres over us. In fact here is a picture of the very same mountain that I was talking about...

Now this was not a family event exactly. This was something else a little different...this was TwistyFest. Twistybach is the name of the old farm house residence that my uncle resides and what was taking part in Twistybach was a festival...hence TwistyFest.

About twenty or thirty people came altogether, most of them camping out in the field or going into the house opposite the other house. One of the houses is being changed or renovated if that is the right word and the other house was made by my uncle.

Now that I have given details of the TwsityFest here is a picture of some guns...

A shooting range was set up with balloons, bottles and anything else that could be used as a target. A few enthusiasts had arrived and really knew what they were talking about, reenactment people and so forth. It is always fun to watch people jump out of their skin every time a shot was fired.
We went for a walk just about a mile or so up the pathway until we got to an old ruin of a cottage. It was overgrown with nettles and was surrounded by sheep. You could really write a story about this part of Wales. It's really wild and the lack of civilisation only makes it better.

The night time was the best part of TwistyFest. There are no street lights for miles and so if you looked up at the sky you could see the stars. The icing on the cake was that people gt their instruments out; guitars, violins, their voices and so on and had a sing along.
I went to bed with my father about one in the morning (my mum and brother had already gone to bed) and fell asleep. I woke up during the night and turned over and saw the window. All I saw was stars. We should have taken a picture of the sky and the people singing and playing instruments. The grub was nice as well.

Here ends the tale of the TwistyFest.
Over and Out.

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