Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Scotland Trip (26/04/2014- 03/05/2014).

26th April 2014.
I can’t wait to write about the Scotland trip. So many things to look forward to.
“How was the trip future Ed?”
“Brilliant. You can read my diary entries when you eventually catch up to my point in existence.”
“Read some of it please?”
“Not yet my boy. I can only make sure that you are able to write your experiences. But I shall say that the future version of your diary is a fitting tribute to all of your experiences.”
Why can’t you read it to me? The Ed from one second ago has given me all of the diary entries that I had written from the 18th February to now. He’s generous.”*
“Well if you like one second ago Ed so much then why don’t you marry him?”
“Only joking.”
“I know. I WAS YOU!”

27th April 2014.
Just waiting for Kiran to drive his car over. He will probably be here by 11am. Just about fully packed, with plenty of reading material stashed.
Such a shining day.

Sat in a service station called ‘Tebay’, with a black tea in front of me and an empty plate of chilli con carnie and chips on it. The window to my left has a wonderful scene- a duck pond and beyond that a wide expanse of mountainous wilderness just like you picture when you think of the romanticised Scotland- Clans and kilts and rebellions against the Romans and English.
Kiran is drinking/ eating soup with a spoon. Kiran thinks he looks like a young offender, dressed all in grey. Don’t know what he is talking about- well I do but no one will think that he looks like that.
On the way here we decided to take turns at picking songs from our music devices and playing songs on the car stereo. Also we chatted a bit and faffed about. This is the third station we have stopped at- the first two times, in order to (edited out) – which lead to about two minutes  humour.
Just waiting for Kiran to finish his soup and take a picture of the scene outside (his soup is now cold).

28th April 2014.
We got to the hostel by about 8pm (yesterday) and settled into the room.
There were four bunk beds with only one other person in our room using the lower half of the bunk beds, with only one other person in our room using the lower half of the bunk bed at the end of the room (just looked down the room and saw that it was actually the top half). We took the bunk bed nearest the door- Kiran on bottom and me on top.
After unpacking and making the bed, Kiran and I popped out to get some food from the local chippy. Haggis and chips for Kiran, cheese burger for me. Went to the local co- op. I bought a four pack of cider, Kiran bought three posh looking beers and that vodka with tiny golden shavings in it. I can only guessed what he was perceived as when the lady at the counter took his money with Kiran’s standard English accent and thick- rimmed glasses (“Oh aye, from Eton are ye?”).
We got back maybe half nine and went to the lounge area. We put down some scrabble, I clicked open my cider, Kiran put a shot of his gold vodka into his coke.
On the other table was a group of four: three boys and one girl who were playing Monopoly. An older couple were sitting behind me on the comfortable seating, reading I think. The four on the other table kept going in and going out, presumably to smoke, leaving their unfinished game with them.
Eventually the older couple left to go to their rooms and the four emigrated to the comfortable seating. We played our game until I won by default (ain’t no thang). We then joined those four folks in the comfy seating and played a few games of poker with Monopoly money.
They were from Leeds, all of them wore black t- shirts and piercing on their lips or eyebrows type of people. Had a nice chat.
(just a little bit of the diary edited out.)

By this time we were ready for bed so we went. A shut up snore came from the other end of the room so we quickly got into bed and fell asleep after a few minutes of creaking.
Woke up today at 9:45am and was told by the man behind the desk that we had to be gone from the hostel by about 10am and back any time after 5pm. After Kiran had come back from the shops, we got ready and were out on the road towards Merrick (the mountain).
We parked just where the pathway started. Before going up the pathway to climb Merrick, we went to see the stone that was dedicated to Robert the Bruce. We looked at the spectacular scenery behind the stone- a wide expanse of loch, dottings of trees and one big mountain (that wasn’t Merrick). Breathed in the smell of nature and we were on our way up the Merrick path.
We continued for perhaps an hour or so through some beautiful wilderness. We decided to head back after we saw Merrick obscured by cloud. Another day, perhaps tomorrow. Kiran wanted to go up when we would be able to see everything.
We ate some sandwiches and went for a forest drive. – two in fact- but we had to head back from the first one because of logging and some sort of ‘refurbishment’ down the road.
Came back to the hostel which was about 7:30pm and went into the local village to get some food. We decided to eat out at the Chinese. I had Pork Chow Mein and a cider. Wonderful stuff.
Finally came back to the hostel. So grateful to sit down, get my book and relax. Kiran had been chatting a lot. Stomach filled and sat down now, contented and happy and thinking about today’s events. Now I can read and let all the wonderful memories settle into my mind. Still haven’t learnt the name of the village- I learnt it but I forgot**
I also remember that we stopped at a very out of the way pub just after the first forest drive. We sat outside. Certainly feel that I have not wasted my day at any point.

29th April 2014.
Just sat in Kiran’s car, have just attempted and succeeded in walking up Merrick mountain. Woke up from the hotel, got out and travelled to the start of the trail by 9:30am. Had a small chat with the people who had just parked by us. They had gone up several times. The man pointed out that I had inappropriate footwear (which I did) but my old trainers were all I had at the time when I left. He was with his wife so we chatted a bit to her as well.
Started walking immediately, swiftly went by the place that we stopped yesterday and on, forever on, we went.
We stopped at an abandoned house with no door, completely empty inside apart from a  few logs on the floor. Charcoal and wood were the lovely smells that had made their home in the house. We stood there for a while exploring it. There was a cairn just outside the house and a trickling river.
We set off again, upwards into a forested area, possibly my favourite part of the journey. The moment you were in the forest you were in another world, the faery world.
“Hello Thomas the Rhymer.”
“Get on with your journey Ed.”
We stopped for a rest just outside the forest. We were maybe about 1/3 of the way by that time, as Kiran told me. My back was like a waterslide and soaking into my shirt.
We carried on up, mumbling to each other or in silence- And we reached the top by about 11:50am.
Kiran looked around to see if you could see Arran (the island) or the coast of Ireland. We saw both***
We stayed at the top for perhaps an hour, looking around and attempting to take pictures.
(Just a little bit of the diary edited out.)

We were back down again by about 3pm. I had a sandwich which I had left in the car (the first think I had eaten all day) and started to write. We are going off to the pub for a meal- the out of the way pub we went to yesterday. Hallelujah!

30th April 2014.
We got back to the hostel yesterday, sat down and chatted to two polite Scots for a while after both having showers. Learnt a lot. They were locals who were cycling all around the place. Friendly folks. At about 10:30pm we decided to go out to the place where we parked, just below Merrick to look at the stars. The hostel manager said that he would have the latch off for when we came back but we had to be quiet.
So off we went. We decided to stop on one of the country roads and have a peer upwards. Awe inspiring stuff. Must have seen at least two shooting stars. So strange to be on an empty country road at night, no lights, no nothing.
We set off again and got to our destination. We looked and saw that there were much more stars, all bright and beautifully vivid. We walked with our torches to the Robert the Bruce Memorial stone and sat down. The animal part of my psyche imagined all manner of things: beast jumping and attacking me in the dark, someone with a knife unsuspectingly jumping in front or behind me and slitting my throat. These thoughts made me look down every few seconds to protect my neck. But the night sky was beautiful- I saw another shooting star while I was there.

We headed back to the hostel, locked the door and clambered into bed as quietly so as not to cause a disturbance.
Woke up in the morning, got ready and went out for a tea and a bacon cob- or bap as they say around here. Had a lovely time. Headed to what might be referred to as the ‘activities information centre’. There was a bar in there and a few locals. We looked for some activity info and then went into the tourist shop. I bought a pen with a Scottish flag on it and some seaweed soap for Ma.
I can’t remember names when writing but we visited the town- and I mean THE town in Scotland, famous for the large amount of books that are sold (seen as the book capital of Scotland). We went into three shops, one had a cafe with a lovely gay guy behind the counter. Bought books and sat down to lunch of salmon pate, salad and crackers with Earl Grey to drink (Wigtown was the name of this town). The two books I bought were ‘Mysteries and Secrets of Magic’ by C.J.S Thompson and ‘The Hermeticum’ by (duh) Hermes Trismegistus/ Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy. Such a relaxing place. 

After that went to a few shops, attempted to go down to where there was a river or loch but then thought it would take too long and then left to visit Whithorn, a beautiful coastal village (where the man that works at the hostel lived)...
We ate ice cream and explored. Went up to the lighthouse and sat down to look at the scene. Breathed in and felt healthy.
The ruins of St Ninian’s church was also on the hill and we checked that out. The modern church was being refurbished when I quickly peered into the door so not much to look at there. We walked along the road and then decided to travel back to the hostel.

Now sat down and about to flick through the books that I bought. Planning to ear at the hostel and then try one of the pubs in town, maybe two.

1st May 2014.
Went into two pubs last night, the Cree in and the hotel just by the hostel. Got back about 12ish ad went to sleep. Woke up about half nine...
(Just a little bit of the diary edited out.)
We set off on a journey to the castle that existed nearby, Lochdoon Castle. On the way we saw a hamlet that was merely two houses opposite each other on the road, in the middle of wilderness. Got to the castle and found it smaller to what I had imagined. Looked at the history- It used to be on top of the island in the middle of the loch nearby, but through the waters rising through the building of a hydroelectric dam nearby, it was moved brick by brick and reconstructed just on the side on the loch during the 1930’s.

The area experienced a dark day in their fights with the English. The English had attacked and they attacked back- with a lot of messy results.
Went back on the road and went to the nearby deer park. We walked for two minutes until we saw a hut in the distance where we were able to see all the wildlife- not a single deer to see. 60 lived in the park but naught there. Hills, hills everywhere, but not a deer to see.
It was just 3pm by the time we left. I was knackered at this point but Kiran drove us to the Kirroughtree Park. Kiran saw an orienteering trail, so I grabbed my opportunity and said that I would stay at the visitor centre while he did his walking, have a tea and write in my diary. I can now give my thoughts their time and have that wonderful time in my head that I love to have.
Kiran came back an hour after I had sat down and then we went for a slow 45 minute walk. I was feeling ready to sit down with a book by the time we got in the car. I needed my ‘alone in my own head’ time.
Got back to the hostel after just quickly popping to Sainsbury’s. Ate dinner, sweet and sour. Then had half a pizza. After this I was given a membership card for Scottish hostels. Sat down and read a chapter. Kiran asked if I would like to go out to the pub- said yes and then continued to read. I might just have one drink. I want to have a relaxing time and don’t want to be out too long.
Last night (I forgot to say) we got talking to a Geordie bloke in the hotel who had a dog- it was nice that the hotel allowed dogs. It was rather nice. He told us that he got the dog from around here so he was taking him/ her back for walking around in his/ hers birthplace. Dog was well behaved... and apparently allowed to sleep in the same room as the bloke.
Just waiting for Kiran to get out of the shower so we can go out. I wouldn’t mind staying in as well and reading a few more chapters, but since this is the last night...

2nd May 2014.
Sat right now at the Tan Hill Inn, the highest pub in England. 500 metres above the sea level- right in the middle of no where.

Just had a hearty meal of lovely veg curry and sipping a pint of lovely Somerset cider called Sheppy Cider. Kiran is still eating.
Got up, packed and out of Newton Stewart hostel and off we went by 9:30am. We had decided to go to the Tan Hill Inn long before holiday. Kiran had gone there/here many times as a kid and I told him that I wouldn’t mind going- and that is why I am writing this now in this lovely pub. Gorgeous open fire, food and good company- and what else does one need apart from reading material.
Back in old England, contented and might have another one of those pints. Good music playing in the background too, folk.

3rd May 2014.
Left Tan Hill Inn and got back home by about 8pm. After a chat he left and I said hello to Leicester again- (by ‘he left’ I mean Kiran left my house to go to his house.
Just looked through the diary. I have become future Ed that first made himself known on the 26th April 2014.

*I have regularly been keeping a diary since the 18th February 2014. At this point I have written about 1 ¼ diary volumes (if that is of vague interest to you).
**The town was called Newton Stewart.

***We later found that it may not have actually been Ireland that we saw.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

"Pick up the paper any day and you can read dozens of items that could sow the seeds of futility, fear, worry, anxiety, and impending doom... Knowing that you can reject these negative suggestions by giving your subconscious mind constructive autosuggestions, you counteract all these destructive ideas.
Check regularly on the negative suggestions that people make to you. You do not have to be influenced by destructive heterosuggestion... All of us have suffered from it in our childhood and in our teens. If you look back, you can easily recall how parents, friends relatives, teachers, and associates contributed in a campaign of negative suggestions. Study the things said to you, and you will discover much of it was in the form of propaganda. The purpose of much of what was said was to control you or instill fear into you. This heterosuggestion process goes on in every home, office, factory and club. You will find that many of these suggestions are for the purpose of making you think, feel, and act, as others want you to and in ways that are to their advantage."