Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Principia Discordia (A Topic of Interest).

'"One day Mal- 2 asked the messenger spirit St Gulik to approach the Goddess and request Her presence for some desperate advice. Shortly afterwards the radio came on by itself, and the ethereal female Voice said YES?

"O! Eris! Blessed Mother of Man! Queen of Chaos! Daughter of Discord! Concubine of Confusion! O! Exquisite Lady, I beseech You to lift a heavy burden from my heart!"


"I am filled with fear and tormented with terrible visions of pain. Everywhere people are hurting one another, the planet is rampant with injustices, whole societies plunder groups of their own people, mothers imprison sons, children perish while brothers war. O, woe."


"But nobody wants it! Everybody hates it."


At which moment She turned Herself into an aspirin commercial and left the Polyfather stranded alone with his species."'


The above quote is taken from a book known in an underground book called the Principia Discordia, the founding religious book of Discordianisn.
What is discordianism?...

is the one manifestation of
about which you will learn more 
and understand less

are a tribe
of philosophers, theologians,
magicians, scientists,
artists, clowns,
and similar maniacs
who are intrigued
and with

One of the things that Discordians do is to hand out business type cards that declare that the holder is instantly a Pope and so should be treated right. Discordians are encouraged to gives these cards out to the general public...

I certainly advocate a bit of weirdness in life and this is the perfect example.

There is a motto that all discordians have, that 'all discordians must stick apart'. This means it is a bizarre non- movement... if that makes any sense in any way.

One event that I heard that a group of discordians did got me laughing. They gathered in a main city centre in America... I believe they were dressed in Santa Claus outfits. Some people in the group were protesting against 'things', another group of them were holding up signs showing that they believed in 'things' and were for them completely, one last group were on the fence about 'things'. When a member of the public asked one of them about what was going on this type of conversation occured...

Member of  Public: Whats's this all about?

D1: We are here to say that we are fully against things!

D2: But I am fully for things!

... and then a whole argument would ensue about... things.

Oh yeah and who is Eris Goddess woman?...

Firstly she is also called Discord... hence discordianism and she is goddess of... yes... confusion. She is a Greek lass. Zeus was preparing a wedding feast for Peleus and Thetis but didn't invite Eris because she was a bit of a troublemaker (bit rude of Zeus though if you ask me). Eris was a bit miffed with the old lightning thrower and so fashioned a golden apple and inscribed the word 'Kallisti' on it which means 'to the prettiest one'. During the feast she rolled the apple into the feast and all of the female gods started to squabble about who the apple was meant for. After a while, most of the gods couldn't be bothered anymore and so gave up, leaving only Athena, Hera and Aphrodite yammering on. Zeus said that someone should decide who the prettiest one truly was and so picked a human from Troy called Paris. Each of the goddesses approached Paris secretly attempting to bribe him to pick them. Athena offered heroic war victories, Hera offered wealth and Aphrodite said she would give him the most beautiful woman alive. Paris picked the last offer and thereby started the fabled Trojan War...

Discordianism certainly is not anything that is to be take seriously. The book declares,

'Principia Discordia is the official bible of the most relevant religion ever conceived. A legendary underground classic, out- of- print for years and impossible to find, this new edition truly contains "Absolutely Everything Worth Knowing About Absolutely Everything"... (a) religion for these screwed up times.'

II found a pdf version of an early incarnation of the book here if you want to read it... you can also buy it online as well of course.

Over and Out.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

A Quote That I Found Already Quoted In Another Book.

"There are not many, those who have no secret garden of the mind. For this garden alone can give refreshment when life is barren of peace or sustenance or satisfactory answer. Such sanctuaries may be reached by a certain philosophy or faith, by the guidance of a beloved author or an understanding friend, by the way of the temples of music and art, or by groping after truth through the vast kingdoms of knowledge. They encompass almost always truth and beauty, and are radiant with the light that was never on sea or land."

Have that quote on me.

Over and Out.