Thursday, June 13, 2013

Dream Work.

Here I shall write down five dreams that I have had recently.

"I was trying to climb up a massive slide in a room in a crumbling castle, with other people around me. All of the people, both male and female, were bald. At the top of the slide was an old woman that was dressed in clothes that you might expect a woman from Ancient Rome might wear. She was wearing something like this... 

While she was looking at us climb, she was throwing buckets of sewage down the slide so that it was slippery. We were getting absolutely covered. At some point I remembered that I could fly so I flew over the slide, noticing what a lovely scene it was above the slide. I flew out of the castle and traveled to the sun for a while. I came back and I found that the old Roman woman was gone and all the people around me were dead, lying in the sewage... I rubbed my face defiantly.

I was walking around my home village aimlessly. Every so often I would stop, touch my leg with both hands and then continue walking. I was outside Tesco... I checked my leg once more... to my complete fascination I found there was a thorn sticking out of it. I pulled upon the thorn and out came a worm. The thorn was the top of the worms head... I threw the worm on to the road and felt the hole that was left where the 'thorn worm' once was. I continued to walk around aimlessly... I checked my leg again. This time there was a lump. I pulled on the lump and a thorn poked through. I pulled on the thorn and another 'thorn worm' came out. I threw it on the ground and felt the second hole that had been made on my leg. I think I must have pulled a few worms out because I remember feeling my leg and there were many, many holes.

I attempted to give  a high five to a cat. It gave me a high five to the BACK of my hand. The cat looked at my hand and realised that it's claws had been out at the moment of contact. There was a hole now in the back of my hand, showing that inside were robotics that were covered in organic veins.
The cat said, "Oh shit" casually, went onto a light brown sofa and just yawned, then got slightly fatter.
"Lazy cat" I thought.

A man was on a stage in blue jeans, shirtless. He was laughing... stopped... and laughed again.
At some point in the performance I got up and shouted,
"Don't you dare make it like that!"

I was sitting next to the mirror. The face of the mirror was facing a wall with floral patterns on it. I was trying to bring some being into physical existence. I felt a sucking force and then a bang as if someone had fallen on the floor. The creature was invisible but I knew it was a genii. I was excited.

Over and Out.