Monday, December 31, 2012

New Years And The Great Push Into 2013.

After all of the various Christmas celebrations and the events of the year, it is a time that we change the end number of the year to a three instead of a two.

It is usual to make resolutions so that you can make next year better than the last but instead of doing that I merely tend to sum it up by thinking, "Let it be a good one." Instead of making resolutions I look at parts of my life and change and tweak things when I feel parts need a good M.O.T.

Here is some of my GENUINE well wishing to you... unless you're a frickin' Nazi (was that joke?... meh).

Happy New Year. May the Constants be just as happiness- inducing than the Changes. May you eat tasty food and drink good liquid... may you meet good people... and may you have your life improved and enhanced through everything that you experience in this new fraction of your life.

The picture below represents you stepping into the archway of the new year and shizz.

Happy New Year!

Over and Out.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

My New Label.

A few weeks ago I was with my family and two other family friends, sitting around a table eating. For some reason we were talking about the type of people that we all were. Were each of us conventional, unconventional, traditional, liberal, sentimental, forward thinking... whatever. One of the so called family friends asked about the type of person that I was. There was a pause and after a thought or two my Mum came to the conclusion that,

"Ed is Ed."

Was I that hard to pin down? I was fine just being an Ed... but it got me trying to find the most accurate label possible that would show the world what I was.

Of course no one is fully anything... but what was the label that described me most effectively?

... But finally it struck me...

All the events that have occurred to me in my life have been leading me to the grand realisation... that I am a bohemian and always have been.

I've been called the 'bohemian' by a few people in my life so that will be a good enough representation of me to the general public.

How does this affect me?... not at all. I'll still live the same way that I have been living since birth but the label will do me.

Over and Out.