Thursday, November 24, 2011

My Memorising Ambitions.

I have wanted to learn an Edgar Allan Poe poem for a long time and for some reason one Sunday afternoon I sat down with his collected works with Leadbelly in the background and began learning. As of the writing of this post I can recite three of the stanza's.

Oh don't I sound right cultured.

I WILL be the next Vincent Price.

Have you ever had the realisation that you have memorised speeches without even knowing that you have? That has happened to me. Here are the speeches that I know through just through listening to things a few times,

  • Two Agent Smith speeches... and a bit of another one.
  • The Russell Edginton speech in True Blood in front of the news cameras.
  • The Al Pacino Speech from The Devils Advocate.
You just wake up one day and realise you can say the whole dialogue for some reason. 

Anyway the day will come that I will be reciting the Raven to an audience... perhaps dressed in 19th century clothes like old Pricey or Chris Lee.

Over and Out.